Monday, February 28, 2011

Last Day of February Daybook

Outside My Window... gray and gloomy after last night's big thunder storms.

I'm Listening to... Dora on TV, Anna and Nate playing Legos, and Zoe chatting while eating her breakfast.

I'm Wearing... once again my uniform...gray long sleeve T-shirt, black yoga pants and slippers.

I'm Grateful for... a good nights rest

I'm Pondering...

"Growth demands a temporary surrender of security." -- Gail Sheehy

I'm Reading...

The Hole in Our Gospel by Richard Stearns

One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp

I'm Thinking... today is a new day. Lots and lots of things are on my mind. I crave someone to talk through things with, but just this morning, God reminded me that I don't need anyone else, I just need Him. That He is more than enough for me. Lord, today when I feel like I need to talk with others, help me to come to you FIRST!

I'm Creating... a pretty big to-do list for the week, plus a grocery list and a list of meals for the week.

I'm Hoping and Praying...

*Health for our family as we were hit with a stomach bug on Friday. Everyone seems well,
but that God would protect those who didn't get it.
*For God to reveal His will for us in a few different areas.

Around the House... getting closets organized this week, only our is left to do. It is a tad overwhelming.

From the Kitchen... I am working on my grocery list and will head to the store either tonight after small group or tomorrow morning. Because I haven't gone yet, I still need to decide what we will eat tonight. I am getting tired of the same old things. Oh yeah, I am making Carmel Chocolate Fondu for small group tonight.

Weekly Menu...
Monday - ?
Tuesday - Ham, Cheesy potatoes, veg
Wednesday - Hot dogs in crescent rolls, french fries, salad
Thursday - Lentil Curry
Friday - Tacos, applesauce
Saturday - Frozen Pizza

*the order, or even menu, could possibly change, as I not completely satisfied with it yet.

One of my favorite things... fresh beginnings on a Monday morning.

A Few Plans for the rest of the week... groceries, girls haircuts on Wednesday, Kindergarten registration on Thursday plus the usual cleaning, laundry and hopefully to get some motivation to get some organizing done.

Picture thoughts...


Unknown said...

Love the new do!

Laura said...

oop! apparently Steve was signed in not me!

Holli said...

love Zoes outfit!!! Target I miss you!!! :)

Holli said...

oh and always here to talk through things.... though most likely through email>:)